Nike App Lottery
To celebrate the first anniversary of Nike's official app in Mexico, we created a scavenger hunt based on the Mexican lottery.
Nike is a pop culture staple everywhere, and Mexico is no exception. We combined it with one of the most iconic Mexican symbols: the lotería.

Turning a game of chance into a scavenger hunt hidden inside an app
We had to reimagine a traditional and iconic game. By designing characters related to the different sections of the app, we helped users explore it and get to know everything it has to offer.

We brought characters to life that fused Nike’s
values and Mexican culture
The design of the characters was commissioned to renowned Mexican illustrator, El Grand Chamaco. We came up with characters capable of telling a good story through the different sections of the app. Unlike the ones shown in classic lotería, these had to be dynamic and come to life through animation in social networks.

We hit the jackpot!
While searching for the characters, thousands of users toured Mexico's Nike App and discovered new products/content in parts of the app they hadn't explored before.